Friday, December 30, 2011

Middle Period Inside Painted Warrior Theme Scroll Weights

Up until now, have only purchased inside painted snuff bottles.

Until now ! When I saw these warrior theme inside painted scroll weights online, it was obvious that they were Middle Period. Although the artist did not sign this works.. There are a number of artists that came to mind when I saw these.  Yong Shoutian comes to the forefront because of the style and colors, but there are others known to have enjoyed painting warrior theme snuff bottles.  Tang Zi Chuan, Xue Jing wan, and Ye Zhong san also enjoyed this theme.

Any way.. This is a unique twist in regards to adding an inside painted item to my snuff bottle collection.. It's just the connection between this popular warrior theme to snuff bottles was just to strong. The affiliation between these unique items to Middle Period inside painted snuff bottles and artists is way to cool !

Now I am on a hunt for a matching pair of antique tassels for them..

Each is 1 3/4 " round...

Click on images to enlarge...

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